Visio Veritas Valor.

by Dorthea

Visio Veritas Valor – The vision of the value of the Truth. Photo by: Lindsay Langton.

I´ve been carrying around a big secret for a couple of months now, and it´s been eating me up inside. I´ve just wanted to scream it out loud and clear, and now I can. Two months back, I applied to West Texas A&M University in the charming city of Canyon. Today, I recieved the best e-mail I could have gotten telling me that I got accepted. So in August I´m heading to Texas. So excited. So happy. So ready. This is the school where Georgia O´Keefe teached. The school that produces way too many NFL players and professional wrestlers. It´s the home of the Buffs, and soon it´s my home. Going to be so good to head over to the mainland, can´t wait.